Friday, October 16, 2009

Serious hypocrisy.

"The last patient I saw one day was 23 weeks pregnant. I performed an uncomplicated D&E procedure. Dutifully, I went through the task of reassembling the fetal parts in the metal tray. It is an odd ritual that abortion providers perform - required as a clinical safety measure to ensure that nothing is left behind in the uterus to cause a complication - but it also permits us in an odd way to pay respect to the fetus (feelings of awe are not uncommon when looking at miniature fingers and fingernails, heart, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands), even as we simultaneously have complete disregard for it. Then I rushed upstairs to take overnight call on labour and delivery. The first patient that came in was prematurely delivering at 23-24 weeks. As her exact gestational age was in question, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) team resuscitated the premature newborn and brought it to the NICU. Later, along with the distraught parents, I watched the neonate on the ventilator. I thought to myself how bizarre it was that I could have legally dismembered this fetus-now-newborn if it were inside its mother's uterus - but that the same kind of violence against it now would be illegal, and unspeakable." Lisa Harris, abortionist

I was reading an article on a pregnant abortionist. She specializes, I think, in second-trimester abortions. She spoke of how, while preforming an abortion on a women just as far along as she is, the child inside of her started kicking for the first time. "Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes - without me - meaning my conscious brain - even being aware of what was going on. I felt as if my response had come entirely from my body, bypassing my usual cognitive processing completely. A message seemed to travel from my hand and my uterus to my tear ducts. It was an overwhelming feeling - a brutally visceral response - heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics."

She stated that she, and most abortionists, agree with pro-lifers- that abortion is violent, gruesome, and murder. She said the pro-choice arguements made "don't accurately reflect the full extent of our experience of abortion and in fact contradicts an enormous part of it." She says, "anti-abortion discourse and imagery that may actually be more closely aligned to our experience but is based in values we do not share."

Translation? "We know it's a baby, we know it's a violent death; we just don't care."

She believes if the pro-abort front can accept that yes, it is a baby and it is violent, the movement will gain more stability. The child has no legal rights and thus the mother comes first. If they can accept this, then she believes they can regain much lost stability.

Maybe she's right. However, I believe an essay like this can help our cause. No one who truly knows that the fetus is a baby can rationalize abortion in a moral sense. For Lisa Harris, abortions have gotten harder to preform. "Doing second trimester abortions did not get easier after my pregnancy; in fact, dealing with little infant parts of my born baby only made dealing with dismembered fetal parts sadder."

We need to remember to pray for the conversion of abortionists and abortion clinic workers. This woman is truly confuse, and I'm sure others are as well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fact: Even Pro-choicers don't always support "choice."

Irene Vilar has written a memoir about her 15 abortions, and how she was an "addict," because it was her way to rebel against her husband. She would deliberately get pregnant just to abort, because her husband, 34 years her senior, didn't want children. [I still don't understand that logic.]

I honestly find it hard to believe she had 15 abortions and still gave birth to two healthy children. I think she might just be lying.

Even so, the pro-choicers are up in arms. Reading some of the comments on the article on her book, you can see that they hate a woman like this coming forward and telling such a tale with a smile on her face.

Looking at some of the comments, from "pro-choicers" I have to wonder.

15 abortions...I agree with the right to choose, but this is insane. I agree with Moggie Mumm, that it is all about money. DON'T LET HER MAKE A PROFIT OFF THIS, DON'T BUY THE BOOK!!!!!! WE REALLY DON'T NEED HER MEMOIR ON MOTHERHOOD!!!!!!
- runaboutmare, Columbus, OH USA, 14/10/2009 8:20

"Total disgust with this story. I believe in a womans right to choose but 15 times is apalling when there are women out there that cannot get pregnant that could take the eventual children from those pregnancies and give them a wonderful life. She had a choice to take birth contol pills and not get pregnant we are lucky in the western world to have those choices and not be persecuted for them. Women the world over are dying for that right and she abuses it! There is no justification for 15 terminations what so ever You should not take abortion lightly and for it to be used as a form of birth control is apalling.

- Mrs Lilley, Manchester, 14/10/2009 7:13"

I am and always have been pro-choice but this woman has abused an option for women that so many fought long and hard for. It is not and was never intended to be a form of contraception.

I am appalled that the medial profession allowed her to have so many abortions. Weren't they alarmed that she was having way too many and that maybe she needed some psychological help?

And I do not see the point in her publicising her story as it isn't something to be proud of. Quite the opposite.
- cymraeges, ozzieland, 13/10/2009 22:11

I wonder why one abortion is okay, why three abortions are okay, why five abortions are okay, but 15 is considered ridiculous and repulsive. Don't get me wrong, it is repulsive. But why must it be an outrageous number before someone draws a line? If it is just a blob of tissue, if it is not a life in the eyes of the pro-choicers, why should it matter how many times a piece of skin gets removed?

I think what really gets the pro-abortion movement in trouble with this woman's testimony is a lot of abortion rights supporters are asking, "If she couldn't be accountable, why wouldn't the abortion clinics be? Surely they'd have her medical history, and surely they would refuse to preform such a procedure after so many had been done. Surely there must be a limit."
What? Surprised that abortionists don't have morals? Perhaps they are in it for the money, and not to help women?
What a thought.
No wonder pro-choicers are up in arms.