Sunday, August 2, 2009

Catholic Vote Ads

Perhaps I'm behind, but Catholic Vote released two more Imagine the potential Ads.

I love them so much, I really do.

And one for the Moon Landing Anniversary...

These ads honestly just make me smile.
It's hard to ignore the plain, simple truths in them. You can't call it slanted. They just present facts in a thought-provoking and hopeful way.

They don't say, "I'm right and you're wrong."
They say, "Let me show you the truth. Think about it."

And that's what we have to do as pro-lifers. As soon as our argument shows frustration or a sense of superiority over the other side, they shut down and resent us. They won't listen.

That's why these commercials are so great.

They're just very calm and thoughtful and they open dialogue.

Dialogue is where it's at, guys. It's not an argument, it's not angry or aggressive, and it can't turn into a battle of the self-righteous.

Dialogue respects the dignity of the individual you are conversing with, and this is the key. You needn't respect their ideas, but you must respect them as a person, or you'll get nowhere. If you don't see the individual you are speaking to as an intellectual person searching for truth, you will come off as demeaning. A lot of people, especially with the topic of abortion, get hot-headed and passionate and they forget who they're speaking with and just start prattling off every pro-life statement or fact they can think of.

I've been there too. That's not dialogue. That's me angrily yelling my opinion at someone I've pre-judged as uneducated because they don't agree. [After all, would a person truly educated on this matter be pro-abortion?]

They either wind up walking away or yelling back and making assumptions about you. You did, after all, give them leave to do so, as you have judged them as well.

Dialogue. Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue.

You may not get very far very quickly, but that's the thing - it's baby steps.

I like to think everyone is on a personal journey for truth. Maybe they're on the wrong path, but try to walk with them and convince them to join you on the right one.

If you yell from your spot and they yell from theirs, there is no walking going on.
Respect them enough to listen, really truly listen, and respond, don't react.

And these videos?
Send them along. Maybe to a fan of Run DMC, or to someone who reads Tolkien all the time. I bet they didn't know those people were adopted. And the segue into adoption in general, as an option for women in crisis pregnancies. Jack Nicholson was a rape baby, after all.

Dialogue. It's the only way you'll get somewhere with pro-choicers. You may not fully convert them, but perhaps they'll be open to social spending for CPCs or they'll be against tax-funding for abortion mills or maybe they'll believe abortion should at least have more restrictions. Every time they reconsider, we get closer to winning. It narrows their path and our arguement.

Stay calm, don't judge, pick your battles, and you may just claim some converts.

And please, send these videos on to someone who you think might consider them. You never know what will happen♥

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