Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Abortion-Eugenics Connection

Considering Stalin and Hitler were the first two leaders to decriminalize abortion, I have always wondered why women rally under the banner of “choice.” The atrocities of mandatory abortions and forced sterilizations in the Third Reich and the USSR have always given me pause to thank God that America wasn’t like that. Then I did some research.
The Cold War was a time for America to prove just how different from Russia it really was, but very few people know of America’s dirty little secret. Until legalizing abortion in 1973, America preformed forced sterilizations as part of a eugenics movement. By taking away the “choice” of other women to reproduce, the pro-abortion agenda was able to flourish.
In 1927 Virginia, a seventeen-year-old girl was told she needed to be sterilized. Institutionalized for being “feeble-minded,” they planned to make a model of her by enforcing the new state law requiring forced sterilization. Refusing to submit to the procedure, the case made its way to the Supreme Court, which denounced her right to reproduce. Stated Justice Holmes, "It is better for all the world, i f instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.”
Justice Holmes, who had never met Ms. Carrie Buck, was not aware that she was not mentally retarded but in fact had no formal education. She had been raped and abused by members of her foster-family, who, at the risk of their crimes being discovered, institutionalized her. Deemed a member of "shiftless, ignorant and worthless class of anti-social whites of the South," the sterilization was preformed on the poor young lady.
With the eugenic movement gaining much-needed ground, forced sterilizations began in other states as well. In both North and South Carolina, sterilizations were forced on mainly poor or black women, claiming these women would bear “unfit” children. In California, over 19,000 women were robbed of the right to bear children legally. The State was able to determine who was good enough to reproduce and who was not.
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and perhaps one of the most notable eugenicists in t he anti-child movement- and I call it that because it is, in fact, anti-child- indeed disseminated the idea of making humankind into a “race of thoroughbreds,” as was the slogan of the magazine she ran and edited. She also believed non-Aryan people were a “biological menace.”
While she claimed to wish to help the poor women of America, she considered welfare programs to be obstacles to “weeding out the unfit.” She stated, "Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to the maintenance of those who should never have been born." Those who fall into that category are women such as Ms. Buck, those considered, "the least intelligent and degenerate classes" who suffered from "insanity, epilepsy, pauperism and mental defect."
One thing that should not be ignored is the fact that the forced sterilizations ended in the late sixties, as the abortion movement began gaining ground. Certainly, this was not meant to be a coincidence, as 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics are located within minority neighborhoods.
America is supposed to welcome people of diverse cultures, and yet legally permitted the “c leansing” of the country of poorly educated, impoverished or minority women who were “undeserving” of the right to bear children. Already the Mexico City Policy has been overturned, giving money to United Nations Population Fund. The UNFPA has been found guilty of funding forced abortions, forced sterilizations on poor or minority women, and providing contraceptives to starving women before giving them the basic necessity of food.
The anti-child agenda began early in the United States, promoting racism and eugenics under the legal guise of “protecting the society.” Who was protected? Certainly not the women who have had these traumatic procedures forced upon them. Where was their choice? When will America return that choice not only to its citizens, but also to the women around the world who are now facing the same threat with our tax dollars? When will America step up and offer real choice- the only choice- the choice of life?

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